Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Buying Organic

ORGANIC,ORGANIC,ORGANIC...what is this all about? Is this a myth or something we should rely on? Most of us are struggling to decide on buying all organic. It is not the question of buying organic or not buying organic. It is the question of what kind of foods should be organic to avoid running the risk of massive health problems. We all know that most of our foods are treated with pesticides to kill fungi and bacteria. Do you think it is only fungi/bacteria which has been killed. No, they are even killing us little by little. Also, most of the produce is traveling from beyond this country - for approx. 2000 to 5000 miles - before it reach the grocery store. Having this been said, we should consider buying local in farmer's markets.
There are 12 foods that must always be purchased organic and 15 foods that are not required to buy organic.

Find your nearest farmer's market in

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