Monday, April 19, 2010

Stress relieving foods

I have been watching Dr.Oz's show most of the days. FOX is airing this show all weekdays in U.S. He is incredible in mentioning and educating people about simple to complex health problems along with the cure available for that problem. I like the show when he incorporates natural remedies for health problems. As a believer of natural remedies, I have been following many of his advice.

In one such show, he explained some of the food that reduces stress.The foods that he mentioned are vitamin c rich foods, dark tea like black tea (without milk/sugar) and pistachios. Apart from relieving stress, those foods has other medicinal properties too. Vitamin C rich foods like oranges and tea, are high in flavonoids - most commonly known as antioxidants - which help reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease.

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