Friday, April 2, 2010

Welcome to Shami's thoughts!!! My first post

Ever since we started using internet, it has been a source of all information. Shami's thoughts is gonna be a myriad combination of everyday knowledge, healthy lifestyle, heart-warming recipes, decor ideas, money saving tips, green world and so on. And how do I know these stuffs? I have been an avid reader of healthy blogs and magazines for last two years. I'm eager to learn more and I'm excited to share my insights on it.

As we all know, everyday we are surrounded by mundane activities and most of the time, we have to go in the flow of our workforce.  Like almost every person I know, I live life in a terrific hurry. As I have read in the housekeeping magazine, there are two types of time in greek words, chronos and kairos. Chronos is the everyday life we are living counting the hours and minutes while kairos is the moments that stand out in our mind like memorable events. When we think back, how many times a day - or even a week - that we experience kairos, is even nothing or a mere negligible amount. Just think, what is this life is for? To spoil our mind thinking of work we haven't finished in our office or to look at your child or spouse or parent a minute to fulfill your mind thinking of how wonderful your life is. To be clear, work is part of life and life is not the part of work. Lets all take a new resolution to lead a life with lots of kairos.

Thanks for reading my first post!! I hope you will enjoy reading interesting and useful information here in Shami's thoughts.

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